If you're anything like me, you have spent a lot of time looking at an insane amount of supplements and still have no idea what is right for you. After using a variety of supplements I have finally found vitamins that I have actually seen a major difference and can tell when I miss a day.
Let's talk supplements:
This bad boy does so much more than just boost your hair, skin and nail growth it supports
+ Supports healthy immune system
+ Healthy liver
+ Good circulation
+ Proper intestinal function
+ Boosts coollagen products, aka healthy hair, skin and nails!
Between sulfur and wolfberries inside, it has crazy antioxidants properties that help get ride of all those free radicals. Its a powerhouse you need to get your hands on!
Life 9 is a probiotic that has 17 billion live cultures. It is a proprietary combination of nine beneficial bacteria strains that promote natural digestive balance and support a healthy immune system.
Ningxia Wolfberry is the highest whole food source of Vitamin B-1, it has a significant source of nutritional arginine and nitric oxide - both of which have a strong tie between low levels and major depression. Has one of the highest sources of magnesium, iron, and minerals. One serving of Ningxia has the antioxidant equivalent of:

+ 73 strawberries
+ 100 oranges
+ 10.85 pounds of spinach
+ 22 carrots
+ 59 heads oof broccoli
+ 93 apples
+ 55 pounds of almonds
+ 814 blueberries
Super B supports normal cardiovascular health, promotes a positive outlook and healthy energy. I think we could all use some extra support in positive outlook after the year we've all had.
The sunshine vitamin! I am a totally different person when there is sunshine, I need it! The winter months are hard as they are cloudy so vitamin d is a must for me.
Basically does exactly what is says. I start taking daily as soon as the cold weather starts.
If your interested in any of the supplements I've listed I have the titles of each linked, you can use my member number24355928. If your needing more information about Young Living check out my blog post Essential Oil Starter Kit or to get started with a membership to get 24% back ORDER HERE!